Helping you tame the “monster!”

Sole proprietor, partnership, corporation, or even just starting up – bookkeeping is a necessity that can be a time consuming and costly monster. The resources and expertise required to manage this operation can drain you of the energy you need to focus on your business.

Wattay Accounting offers comprehensive write up services to help you with maintaining your transactional information; create financial statements, account receivables, account payables, general ledger; manage account reconciliation; manage fixed assets; perform tax filings; and more.

By utilizing our accounting services, we can help ensure the accuracy of your financials and reduce accounting and administrative related stress.

Wattay Accounting uses QuickBooks for many our small business clients.

It is the ideal business accounting software for many reason, here are few:

• Easily generate the reports with the information you need

• QuickBooks is affordable

• Customize QuickBooks to work the way you want

• Pay bills and bank online

• Your business can grow with QuickBooks

Wattay Accounting has QuickBooks Pro Advisors who will ensure a seamless transition.

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