Sharon A. Bruner

Sharon A. Bruner with over twenty-eight years with the state of Delaware in various departments, her experience is long in many fiscal arenas including payroll, purchasing, A/R and A/P, pension administration, auditing, budget, benefits, HR, inventory, contractual bids, cash receipts reconciliation and financial reports.

Furthermore, for greater than twenty years, Sharon has taken on seasonal work in the preparation of Federal and State tax returns for individuals, businesses, corporations and trusts. She has extensive experience using Microsoft Office products, People Soft modules and various other software programs and is very adept at improving existing processes.

Sharon is a Problem solver with the ability to identify resources that aid in problem resolution. She is a successful employee motivator bringing existing resources to their full potential, promoting excellence, loyalty, innovation and integrity.

Sharon A. Bruner
Tax Return Professional
O (302) 724-9237 | F (302) 223-6816

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