Anna M. deYoung, CPA
Anna M deYoung, CPA is a Certified Public Accountant and graduated from Delaware Technical Community College with an Associates in Entrepreneurship and subsequently Goldey Beacom College with a Bachelor’s Degree in accounting; She had been practicing in Public Accounting since 2015 obtaining licensure in 2018. Furthermore, Anna has worked from 2021 to 2024 internally for a local Not for Profit Hospital System where her role focused on taxation and compliance work.
Anna’s specialties include, Small Business, Not for Profit, and Individual taxation, as well as IRS and State compliance.
Her soul purpose of being a certified public accountant is to help small business owners, and individuals steer the complex world of taxation, while providing guidance to help them meet their financial goals. Everyday, she looks forward to assisting clients and navigating them in the right direction. She feels that small business owners are the backbone of America’s economy and finds it an honor to work with them.
When not at work Anna enjoys concerts, traveling, and spending time with her husband and fur babies.
Anna deYoung
O (302) 724-9237 Ext. 306
F (302) 223-6816